Digital Doors Open at 1:45, Event Starts at 2PM
Join us for In/Verse on Saturday, Jan 9 at 1:45 pm by registering here (bcwriters.ca/events-for-writers) and a Zoom link for the event will be sent to you. When it’s time for the event you can click on the Zoom link to join the event.
Patrick Friesen has published more than a dozen books of poetry, a book of essays, has written stage and radio plays, and has co-translated, with Per Brask, five books of Danish poetry, including Frayed Opus for Strings & Wind Instruments by Ulrikka Gernes, which was nominated for the Griffin Poetry Prize in 2016. In January 2020, he released a CD, Buson’s Bell, which consists of composed, as well as improvised music, and text. He lives in Victoria, BC.
Jónína Kirton is a Red River Métis/Icelandic poet and a graduate of the Simon Fraser University’s Writer’s Studio where she is currently their BIPOC Auntie supporting and mentoring BIPOC students. A late-blooming poet, she was sixty-one when she received the 2016 City of Vancouver’s Mayor’s Arts Award for an Emerging Artist in the Literary Arts category.
Her first collection of poetry, page as bone ~ ink as blood, was released with Talonbooks in 2015. Her second collection, An Honest Woman, was released in 2017, again with Talonbooks and was a finalist for the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize.
Cecily Nicholson is an award-winning author of three books of poetry. She volunteers with community impacted by carcerality and food insecurity. Her performances, talks, and residencies have been hosted by educational spaces such as New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Centre for Indigenous Research Creation at Queen's University, Woodland Pattern Book Centre, Milwaukee, and the Surrey School District.
Miranda Pearson was born in England and moved to Vancouver, Canada, in 1991. Her poetry has been published widely in literary journals and anthologies, and she is the author of five books: Rail, The Fire Extinguisher, Harbour, The Aviary and Prime. The Aviary won the Alfred G.Bailey prize, Harbour was a finalist for the 2010 BC Book Prize and The Fire Extinguisher for the same prize in 2016. Since completing a Masters of Fine Art at the University of British Columbia, where she was the Poetry Editor for Prism International, Miranda has taught at UBC's Department of Creative Writing and at Simon Fraser University. Miranda lives in Vancouver, where she edits and reviews poetry and works in Community Mental Health. Her most recent book is Rail, published in October 2019 by McGill-Queen's University Press.
Host Fiona Tinwei Lam has authored three books of poetry, including her most recent collection, Odes & Laments, as well as a children’s book about dealing with grief, The Rainbow Rocket. She edited The Bright Well: Contemporary Canadian Poems on Facing Cancer, and has co-edited two nonfiction anthologies. Her poems have thrice appeared on Poetry in Transit. Her prose and poetry appear in more than 35 anthologies, including The Best Canadian Poetry (2010 and 2020 editions) and Forcefield: 77 Women Poets of BC. Her poetry videos have screened at festivals locally and internationally. She teaches at SFU Continuing Studies. fionalam.net